
Misleading Trademark Notices

Misleading Trademark Notice by Kelly Weiner
{3:00 minutes to read} One of the more frequent questions I get from clients is, "Why am I getting this invoice? I thought I already paid you for my trademark." Another potential victim of an increasingly popular scam. When a trademark application is filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the entire application, including the trademark owner's name and address, become publicly available through the USPTO website. Shortly after an application is filed, or shortly before a maintenance...

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Defining the Scope of your Goods/Services – Class Headings

Unlike many other trademark offices, the US trademark office does not permit the use of class headings to identify the goods or services in a registration. A common filing strategy for applicants (particularly foreign applicants and other applicants that rely on foreign registrations as the basis for registration in the US) is to include the class headings in an initial application, with the intention of later narrowing the scope of the goods or services at a later time. In a...

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